Confessions of a Quackbuster

This blog deals with healthcare consumer protection, and is therefore about quackery, healthfraud, chiropractic, and other forms of so-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM).

Sunday, November 07, 2004

How to Create Chiropractic Fanatics

Chiro Ammo - How to Create Chiropractic Fanatics: "How to Create Chiropractic Fanatics!

Do your patients drive an hour or more to see you?...
Transform your ordinary office into something extraordinary...

Dear Chiropractic Friend:
There are two kinds of people -- those who have heard the legend of the Krispy Kreme� donuts and those who live somewhere where the donut dynasty hasn't yet shown up.
Granted, Krispy Kreme� makes a good donut. No doubt about it. But is it a donut worth driving an hour for? Apparently, donut maniacs believe it is. And this very remarkable fact is at the core of Krispy Kreme's� success.

Well, doctor...

How would you like to have that same magnetic power...
pulling patients into your practice...
from over an hour away?!

Sound like a fantasy? Well, it's not!
In fact, the same massive attractiveness and appeal that propelled Krispy Kreme� to the top of the donut heap is a reality for a handful of elite chiropractic practices. And it can be learned, trained, and put to use right in your very own neck of the woods using the very principles and methods that major players like Krispy Kreme� use to turbocharge their new businesses...

For example, when Krispy Kreme� opens in a new town, they begin by giving away thousands of donuts. Of course, the people most likely to show up for a free donut are those who have heard the legend of Krispy Kreme� and are excited that they're finally in town. These people are 'trendsetters' or 'early adapters' -- you know them, they are the first on the block to drive the latest model car, see a new movie or try out some gadget. These trendsetters not only like to beat everyone to the punch knowing about what's 'hot' but they also will then drag their friends with them to show off their knowledge.

That's where the second phase kicks in. Krispy Kreme™ is obsessed with dominating donut conversation. Once they've opened their flagship store in an area, they rush to do deals with gas stations, coffee shops and delis. The goal? To make it easy for someone to stumble onto the product. They start with people who will drive 20 miles and multiply their numbers with people too lazy to cross the street.

Do You Have Krispy Kreme™ Chiropractic "Fanatics" in Your Practice?


Can you create them?

Most of us chiropractors can recall hearing stories about the legendary Clarence Gonstead. How he practiced in some tiny Wisconsin town. And through word of mouth, had to build a hotel and an airport to accomodate the droves of patients from all over the country who wanted to see the good doctor.

Many a chiropractor also has had dreams of running such an in-demand practice.

And yet, once we are busy running the "everyday" necessities of practice, trying to make a living and put out the daily "fires" that occur in the practice, slowly the dreams of a Gonstead-like practice begin to die. And we settle into a routine that is somewhat comfortable at best, but completely unfulfilling. Uggggh!!!

If you wish to slowly sap the life out of your practice, then stop reading here. But, doctor, if you truly wish to transform your ordinary, run of the mill, boring practice into a phenomenal success like Krispy Kreme™ then you will want to get your hands on this e-book! Using examples from mega-successful chiropractic practices and enviable businesses outside of chiropractic, you will learn...

How one Washington state practice in a fairly small city (less than 50,000) routinely attracts patients who drive four hours to be adjusted -- at 6 a.m.!

Why an Australian doctor had to stop advertising and remove his sign that was visible from the road so that he could accomodate his referral only patients!

Secrets that transformed the business of perhaps the world's richest and definitely most famous...butcher! (Go ahead and snicker, but this guy is laughing out loud all the way to the bank)

Why the opposite of "remarkable" or "spectacular" is not what you think and why your answer is probably destroying your practice and your potential to really skyrocket to success.

The story of a new D.C. who stumbled upon Pearl Jam's success secret because he was dead broke and with virtually no budget got enough marketing power that patients now fly in to see him!

Don't Even Bother Asking Your Consultant How To Try This!

Admittedly, the ideas in this book are not mainstream. So...if you want to play it safe, this book is probably not for you. If you want safe, go ask your consultant or practice management "guru" about how to transform your practice. From them you will get the same advice they give to all their clients. Which are the same ideas that were given ten or 20 years ago to build chiropractic practices in the 80's when anyone who could even remotely fake it made a bundle. After all, if these consultants spent all their time actually researching new methods of building a practice, how would they have time to consult and take your money!

But...if you are dead-set on transforming your practice into something extraordinary, follow the advice of Tony Robbins who states that "Success leaves clues." Get out your glasses and following the same techniques that have been proven to work by today’s chiropractic masterminds and the businesses that are literally changing the way commerce is done outside of the profession.

How Much Will This eBook Cost You?

As you know, many docs pay a consultant at least $500 a month to grow to practice. Or go to live seminars at $250 a pop to boost their earnings. Or just waste thousands by throwing away money on bad, untested ideas.

However, you can get the complete course entitled: How to Create Chiropractic Fanatics for much less in its newly published e-book edition on eBay – for the first time ever.

Now, you can get the complete course, in a downloadable PDF file…for only $24.99.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and press Buy Now immediately!

May Success Be Yours,

Chiro Ammo Publishing

Chiro Ammo Publishing, LLC

P.S. This course does not involve multi-level marketing, selling supplements, pyramid schemes, spinal screenings or any other nonsense --- just CHIROPRACTIC as you've never seen it before!

P.S.S. Your purchase will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours after confirmation of your payment from PayPal – so you can immediately start using these principles to transform your chiropractic life!


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